Zettelkasten Format
# Zettelkasten Format
I use a couple conventions how to build and format my Zettelkasten In general I try to keep everything compatible with pandoc and katex.
# Files
The files are Markdown files (.md). Every files is named after the Title of the Note. Furthermore the note contains a header in yaml format:
# Links
Links between notes are made using the wiki like syntax \[\[Note Name\]\]
Files can be nested into folders, but only the name is used for referencing the notes.
When copying the notes for quartz, all notes are placed in the same folder and the links are rewritten into markdown links.
Citations are made with \[@citekey\]
After writing the notes like this, the links will be converted to a format readable by Quartz by custom little scripts.
# Latex conventions
We can use latex with katex. All supported features from katex can be used, which includes
- equation, align, split environments
- all usual operators and greek letters
- layouting with substack, vcenter and hbox etc… The only thing missing is support for label and eqref commands. As far as im concerned the progress is tracked in this issue on Github.