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Old fashioned perturbation theory

Last updated Aug 5, 2023

Old-fashioned pertubation theory (OFPT) is the pertubation theory of QM applied to a theory with second quantization. It’s not lorentz invariant (?) but still gives the same results as Feynman methods.

# Lippmann-Schwinger equation

Like in normal QM perturbation theory we split the hamiltonian $$H = H_0 + V,$$ where $H_0$ solutions are known and $V$ is a small perturbation.

We have a free state which is known $$H_0\ket{\phi} = E\ket{\phi}.$$ We want to find an eigenstate $\ket{\psi}$ of the full hamiltonian $H$ with the same energy $E$ $$H\ket{\psi} = E\ket{\psi}.$$ This leads to $$\ket{\psi}=\ket{\phi}+\frac{1}{E-H_0}V\ket{\psi}.$$ The inverse of $E-H_0$ is not defined. Since $E$ is an eigenvalue of $H_0$ we have $\det(E-H_0)=0$. This is singularity regulated by adding $i\epsilon$ and leads to the Lippmann-Schwinger equation

Definition: Lippmann-Schwinger equation For a hamiltonian $H=H_0+V$ the eigenstates $\ket{\psi}$ are given in terms of the eigenstates $\ket{\phi}$ of the free hamiltonian $H_0$ by the solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation $$\ket{\psi} = \ket{\phi} + \frac{1}{E-H_0+i\epsilon}V\ket{\psi}$$

To solve for $\ket{\psi}$ on assumes that $V\ket{\psi}$ can be expressed in terms of $\ket{\phi}$ with some operator $T$ $V\ket{\psi}=T\ket{\phi}$. $T$ is the transfer matrix.

This leads to an operator equation $$T = V + V\frac{1}{E-H_0}T,$$ which can be solved perturbatatively in $V$.

If we have free initial and final states $\ket{\phi_i}$ and $\ket{\phi_f}$ the transition rate is the matrix element $\braket{\phi_f|T|\phi_i}$. I guess this is because $T\ket{\phi}$ is the interaction $V\ket{\psi}$ of the full theory, which describes what happens in the scattering.

The perturbative solution is some series $$T_{fi} = V_{fi} + \sum_j V_{fj}\Pi_{LS}(j)V_{ji} + \sum_{jk} V_{fj}\Pi_{LS}(j)V_{jk}\Pi_{LS}(k)V_{ki}+…,$$ with the matrix elements $T_{fi} = \braket{\phi_f|T|\phi_i}$, $V_{jk} = \braket{\phi_j|V|\phi_k}$ and the Lippmann-schwinger kernel $\Pi_{LS}(j)=\frac{1}{E-E_j}$. We sum over $j$, which represents all possible intermediate states.

The different terms correspond to the different orders of the Born approximation.

Example: Coulombs law

We Calculate $e-e$ scattering: $e(\vec{p_1})e(\vec{p_2}) \to e(\vec{p_3})e(\vec{p_4})$

  • Initial and final states have the same energy $E$ due to conservation (as required by Lippmann-Schwinger)
  • Intermediate states can have different energy $E_n$

Write out the states: $$\ket{i}=\ket{\psi^1_e\psi^2_e},\quad \bra{f}=\bra{\psi^3_e\psi^4_e}$$

Interaction term (photon approximated as scalar) $$V = \frac{1}{2}e \int d^3x \psi_e(x)\phi(x)\psi_e(x)$$

Transfer Matrix $T_{fi}$ is calculated according to the expansion formula term by term:

  1. $V_{fi}$: single insertion of the interaction will leave a state with a photon therefore $$\braket{f|V|i}=0$$
  2. $\sum_n V_{fn}\frac{1}{E-E_n}V_{ni}$: Two possible intermediate states:
    1. Retarded Case: $e_1$ emits photon first (has momentum $\vec{p}_3$ afterwards): Intermediate state: $\ket{n}=\ket{\psi^3\phi^\gamma\psi^2}$ Interaction: $V^{(R)}_{ni}= \braket{\psi^3\phi^\gamma|V|\psi^1}$
    2. Advanced Case: $e_2$ emits photon first (has momentum $\vec{p}_4$ afterwards): Intermediate state: $\ket{n}=\ket{\psi^4\phi^\gamma\psi^2}$ Interaction: $V^{(A)}_{ni}= \braket{\psi^4\phi^\gamma|V|\psi^2}$

Calculate the matrix elements by inserting $V$ and the field operators $$ \begin{align*} &V^{R}_{ni}=\frac{e}{2}\int d^3x \int \frac{d^3p_a}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{d^3p_\gamma}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{d^3p_b}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2w_{p_a}}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2w_{p_\gamma}}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2w_{p_b}}} \\ &\braket{\psi^3\phi^\gamma| (a_{p_a}e^{i\vec{p_a}\vec{x}} + a^\dagger_{p_a}e^{-i\vec{p_a}\vec{x}})(a_{p_\gamma}e^{i\vec{p_\gamma}\vec{x}} + a^\dagger_{p_\gamma}e^{-i\vec{p_\gamma}\vec{x}})(a_{p_b}e^{i\vec{p_b}\vec{x}} + a^\dagger_{p_b}e^{-i\vec{p_b}\vec{x}}) |\psi^1} \end{align*} $$

Collecting the nonzero terms we find one term which contributes with $\braket{\psi^3\phi^\gamma|a_{p_a}a^\dagger_{p_\phi}a^\dagger_{p_b}|\psi^1}$ and one with $\braket{\psi^3\phi^\gamma|a^\dagger_{p_a}a^\dagger_{p_\phi}a_{p_b}|\psi^1}$, so that the electron creation and annihalation operators switch the electron $\psi^3$ and $\psi^1$ they create. We therefore get a factor $2$. All other terms don’t contribute since the creation and annihalation operators lead to different states on the left and the right.

With $\braket{\phi_p|\phi(x)|0}=e^{-i\vec{p}\vec{x}}$ and $\braket{0|\phi(x)|\phi_p}=e^{i\vec{p}\vec{x}}$ we get $$V^{(R)}=e(2\pi)^2\delta^3(\vec{p}1-\vec{p}3-\vec{p}\gamma),$$ with the expression for the delta distribution $\delta^3(\vec{x}-\vec{a}) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int^{\infty}{-\infty}e^{i\vec{p}(\vec{x}-\vec{a})}d^3p$.

The advanced interaction term $V^{(A)}{ni}$ can be calculated similarly. We can plug both cases into the expansion formular for $T{fi}$ and calculate $E_n$ from kinematics. With the two different intermediate energies $E^{(R)}n = E_3 + E_2 + E\gamma$ and $E^{(A)}n = E_4 + E_1 + E\gamma$ we get the full $T$ matrix $$T_{fi} = \frac{2e^2E_\gamma}{(\Delta E)^2 - (E_\gamma)^2}$$ with $\Delta E = E_1 - E_3 = E_4 - E_2$.

Note that in OFPT:

# Divergences

In some naive quantum filed theoretical calculations divergent integrals occur, which are suspicious since they are unphysical. These divergences can eventually be fixed by Renormalization.

# Zero point energy

A simple theory with a photon in second quantization $$H = \int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3} w_k \left(a^\dagger_k a_k + \frac{1}{2}\right)$$ leads to the energy of the vakkum $E_0$ $$E_0 = \braket{0|H|0} = \frac{1}{2}\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3}|\vec{k}| = \infty,$$ which diverges. This divergence can be disregarded since the zero point energy is not physical in a sense that it cant be measured. Divergences only have to cancel in the calculation of final physical observables but not in intermediate results.

# Lamb shift

In quantum field theory an electron can emmit and annihalate a photon resulting in the self energy of the electron. At second order only a single photon is created and annihilated again, resulting in a loop.

The loop integral in OFPT diverges.