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Feynman rules for scalar QED

Last updated Dec 29, 2024

The scalar QED Lagrangian can be written out as $$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}-\phi^*(\Box+m^2)\phi - ieA_\mu[\phi^*(\partial_\mu\phi)-(\partial_\mu\phi^*)\phi] + e^2A^2_\mu|\phi|^2$$ From this we can get the Feynman rules:

# Complex scalar propagator:

The scalar propagator is the Feynman propagator as derived before from the kinetic term of the scalar field.

Pasted image 20230911172408.png

Photon propagator:

The photon propagator was derived before in $\xi$ gauge.

Pasted image 20230911172531.png

# Interactions:

This leads to the sum or difference from the two different momenta $p_1$ and $p_2$. The arrows give the Momentum Flow and Particle Flow:

Feynman-Stückelberg Interpretation

Antiparticles travel backwards in time, given that their particle flow is always directed into the past

# Four point vertex:

Pasted image 20230911172719.png

# External states

# Example

Pasted image 20230912191959.png

# Ward identity

# Gauge invariance and Ward identity

# Charge conservation

There are no interacting theories of massless particles with spin greater than 2