2106.08394_Schwinger Quantum sim
Schwinger model 1+1D $U(1)$ gauge theory
Coupled to thermal environment of scalar field
Real time dynamics: classical cost scales exponentially with system size
Hamiltonian formulation of QFTs: Large hilbert spaces only possible with QC
Initial state prep: Important and hard
- Ground state for real time in vacuum
- Thermal state for real time at finite T
To prepare thermal state different methods:
- quantum metropolis
- imaginary time evolution
- coupling to heat bath
Kogut Susskind Hamiltonian formulation
Staggered fermions
Jordan wigner trafo Leads to Hamiltonian with pauli matrices for fermions and ladde roperators for gauge links
Has infinite gauge degrees of freedom
solve by imposing cutoff on electric flux
Enwirontment hamlitonian for thermal scalar field
interaction term $\phi\bar\psi\psi$
Derive lindblad equation
Solve with known algorithm (anciallary qubit)
goes to thermal equilibrium