# Introduction
Certain distributions are hard to sample from clasically (1608.00263)
Also hard to learn clasically (2010.11983)
QuGAN does not converge (mode collapse)
? Entagle true and fake data ?
“Perfect” swap test $\equiv$ supervised learning, but: Less robust to noise
# Prior Art
Classical GAN:
- Generator $G(\Theta_g,z)$
- Discriminator $D(\Theta_d, z)$
Optimization: Min Max game $$V(\Theta_g, \Theta_d) =E_{x~p_{data}(x)}[\log D(\Theta_d,x)] + E_{z~p_0(z)}[\log (1-D(\Theta_d,G(\Theta_g,z)))]$$
Solve $\min_{\Theta_g}\max_{\Theta_d} V(\Theta_g,\Theta_d)$
If $D$ and $G$ are arbitrary functions (e.g. Deep nets with enough capacity) it is proven that unique optimum exists!
Classical data encoded as $\sigma = \sum_i p_i \ket{\psi_i}\bra{\psi_i}$
- Generator output: $\rho = U(\Theta_g)\rho_0 U^{\dagger}(\Theta_g)$
- Discriminator operator $T$ measures probability of data beeing true
- Training by $\min_{\Theta_g}\min_T (\text{Tr}[T\sigma] - \text{Tr}[T\rho(\Theta_g)])$
# Eq-GAN
Discriminator $D_\sigma(\Theta_d, \rho(\Theta_g))$ gives Probability of measuring $\ket{0}$.
- perfect swap test would give fidelity between data $\sigma$ and generator $\rho(\Theta_g)$.
- If there is some parameters $\Theta^{\text{opt}}d$ so that the discriminator performs perfect swap test $D\sigma(\Theta^{\text{opt}}d, \rho(\Theta_g))=\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}D^{\text{fid}}\sigma(\rho(\Theta_g))$, this can reach optimum
- Real swap test not good on hardware due to deep circuits and swap gates
- With this discriminator we have the cost function $$\min_{\Theta_g}\max_{\Theta_d}V(\Theta_g,\Theta_d) = \min_{\Theta_g}\max_{\Theta_d}[1-D_\sigma(\Theta_d,\rho(\Theta_g)]$$
- Different discriminator architectures possible
- poor choice can yield non-convex loss function landscape
# Learning a state
- tldr: parametrized ansatz better at lerning state than perfect swap test
- Dataset ${i}$ with probabilites ${p_i}$ into quantum state $\sum_i \sqrt{p_i}\ket{\psi_i}$ where $\ket{\psi_i}$ is basis of states representing the different classical data entries
- Preparing this state is expensive, so try to learn it.